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Dinner, Keynote & Book Signing
with Colson Whitehead
Oct. 3 at the ConocoPhillips OSU Alumni Center


Call 405-744-7331 to inquiry about ticket availablity. Seating is limited, and tickets will sell quickly. Reservations are available on a first-come basis.

Tickets and Tables

  • Individual tickets are $125 and include admission to the welcome reception, dinner, keynote address and booksigning that follows. ($75 is tax-deductible/$50 benefit)
  • Table sponsorships are $1,500 each. This includes admission for 10 and recognition in the program. ($1,000 is tax-deductible/$500 benefit)
  • Premium table sponsorships are $2,500 each. This includes admission for 10, with premium seating and VIP author meet and greet and recognition in the program. ($2,000 is tax-deductible/$500 benefit)

Other Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Donations toward the success of the event are also appreciated. (100% tax-deductible)
  • Sponsored student tickets $125 each. Sponsor the attendance of an OSU student. (100% is tax-deductible)
  • Centerpiece Sponsor is $2,000 and includes two tickets to the event with premium seating and VIP author meet and greet ($100 benefit); recognition at the event; and recognition on the event website. ($1,900 is tax-deductible)
  • Venue Sponsor is $3,000 and includes two tickets to the event with premium seating and VIP author meet and greet ($100 benefit); recognition at the event; and recognition on the event website. ($2,900 is tax-deductible)
  • Dessert Sponsor is $3,000 and includes two tickets to the event with premium seating and VIP author meet and greet ($100 benefit); recognition at the event; and recognition on the event website. ($2,900 is tax-deductible)
  • Wine Sponsor is $4,000 and includes two tickets to the event with premium seating and VIP author meet and greet ($100 benefit); recognition at the event; and recognition on the event website. ($3,900 is tax-deductible)

The IRS requires us to inform you the extent to which your gift for this event is tax deductible. The fair market value of benefits you will receive is listed within each level; therefore the amount of your gift greater than the benefit amount listed may be considered tax deductible. Consult a tax professional for guidance on how this applies to you or your company.

The H. Louise & H.E. "Ed" Cobb Speaker Series is made possible each year thanks to the generosity of the Cobb family.



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